Bon Cop Bad Cop 2
Eight years after they met in Bon Cop Bad Cop (above), the comically mismatched duo of straightlaced Ontario cop Martin Ward (Feore) and scruffy Quebec cop David Bouchard (Huard) reunite to investigate yet another major crime in this long-awaited sequel. When their separate investigations unexpectedly cross paths, the pair must join forces to investigate a crime ring south of the border, giving the film plenty of hilarious opportunities to poke fun at the cultural differences between the two Canucks and their American counterparts.
Alain Desrochers
Desrochers began his filmmaking career with over 100 music videos and commercials, winning numerous awards. His first feature, La Bouteille, earned him a Genie nomination for Best Direction. His credits include Nitro, Cabotins and Gerry. Most recently, he directed the miniseries Bad Blood and the feature Security starring Sir Ben Kingsley.
Patrick Huard
Colm Feore, Patrick Huard, Erik Knudsen, Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse
Pierre Even, Patrick Huard, François Flamand
Action/Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Family Relationships
Original Languages
English, French
Language Versions
EN CC, EN Subtitles, FR CC, FR Subtitles
Canadian Distributor
Les Films Seville