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Les mauvaises herbes (Bad Seeds)

Director Louis Bélanger
Year 2016
Run Time 105min
Genre Comedy, Drama

Jacques (Alexis Martin), a struggling actor on the run from a loan shark, reluctantly strikes a deal with Simon (Gilles Renaud), a rural farmer with a secret marijuana greenhouse, to help him cultivate a marijuana crop for harvest. In exchange, Simon will hide him from the gangster he owes money to and give him a cut of the profits so that he can pay off his debts.

When they are forced to bring in a sassy energy technician (Emmanuelle Lussier-Martinez) to help their secret grow-op thrive, both men’s secrets are threatened, and the race is on to complete the harvest before they’re discovered.

Les Mauvaises Herbes was nominated for four Canadian Screen Awards including Best Picture and won two Prix Iris for Best Screenplay and Best Supporting Actor.


Louis Bélanger


Louis Bélanger, Alexis Martin


Alexis Martin, Gilles Renaud, Emmanuelle Lussier Martinez


Lorraine Dufour, Luc Vandal


Comedy, Drama

Original Language


Language Version


Canadian Distributor

Coop Vidéo de Montréal