In this challenging and thought-provoking documentary, filmmaker Brett Gaylor explores issues of copyright in the information age and the crumbling barriers between users and producers.
The film centres on Girl Talk, a mash-up musician who tops the charts with his sample- based creations, provoking debate about ownership, copyright, piracy and what it means to be an artist in the 21st century.
Musicians, authors and pop culture critics all weigh in on the issues in this wildly innovative and experimental doc.
A great mix of compelling analysis and difficult questions, RiP! addresses issues of sampling, sharing, intellectual property and creative freedom with flair and style.
The film centres on Girl Talk, a mash-up musician who tops the charts with his sample- based creations, provoking debate about ownership, copyright, piracy and what it means to be an artist in the 21st century.
Musicians, authors and pop culture critics all weigh in on the issues in this wildly innovative and experimental doc.
A great mix of compelling analysis and difficult questions, RiP! addresses issues of sampling, sharing, intellectual property and creative freedom with flair and style.
Brett Gaylor
Brett Gaylor
Mila Aung-Thwin, Kat Baulu, Germaine Ying Gee Wong
Arts and Culture, History
Original Language
Canadian Distributor