A decade following her acclaimed 2012 documentary The World Before Her, which highlighed the experiences of girls in India, Nisha Pahuja returns with the powerful To Kill a Tiger. Following the brutal rape of his 13-year-old daughter, Ranjit pursues a conviction against the assailants in the face of tremendous social pressure to back down. Through the intimate, powerful story of this family’s efforts to get justice, the film shines a light on gender-based violence in a country where rape is frequently reported and rarely convicted.
TIFF named To Kill a Tiger the Best Canadian Film of the 2022 festival, and one of the year’s best in their annual Canada’s Top Ten list.
TIFF named To Kill a Tiger the Best Canadian Film of the 2022 festival, and one of the year’s best in their annual Canada’s Top Ten list.
Nisha Pahuja
Nisha Pahuja
David Oppenheim, Nisha Pahuja, Cornelia Principe, Andy Cohen
Family Relationships, Female Filmmaker, Global Experiences, Social Justice & Politics
Original Language
Other Language
Canadian Distributor
National Film Board (NFB)