
Film Festivals

Bring the excitement of a film festival to your school!

You can upgrade your Lending Library request into a special event of any size and scope. 

Whether your screening is for a few classes or your entire school, we can help you turn it into a film festival experience. If you get in touch, we’re always happy to share film recommendations, tips and planning suggestions (e.g. Getting students involved in the planning always adds to the excitement). Depending on the scale of the event, we may also be able to send you posters or other fun goodies, or help you secure a special guest speaker.

Gala Film Festivals

Please note: Gala Festivals for the 2022-23 school year are already fully booked.

For a select number of schools across Canada each year, we can help to enhance your school film festival even further, and make it into a Gala event.

Because we value live engagement, we’re often able to provide trained facilitators for Gala events, who can introduce the films and lead discussions after the screenings. We may even be able to secure special guests such as filmmakers, stars or other industry professionals to participate in post-screening Q&As live or via video call, though this is not something we can guarantee.

We’ll also provide step-by-step instructions and advice, logistical and planning support, as well as access to promotional materials. As with all our offerings, our library of films and lesson plans is free for you to access.

Schools will be eligible for Gala events based on a number of factors, including location, number of participating students, and support of the administration and/or teacher team, among others. Because of the amount of work involved, we can only do a very limited number of Gala events each year.

If you’re interested in applying for a Gala festival for your school, please fill out the form below, and don’t forget to check out the movies you’ll be able to choose from on our Film Catalogues page. For questions, you can always reach out to